Monday, 2 February 2015

Day 1 - Plan, assess and compute..

Although I have created a home based lab many a times in the past but have been reinventing the wheel everytime I did that. So this time around I plan to note down the important tricks and tweaks,
Hardware I have -
1> A personal laptop with 6 GBs of RAM which is extendable to 8 GBs and 250 GB HDD. An external 250 GB USB HDD.
2> SKY Broadband connection and a home SKY router which will work as DHCP server in this lab.
3> A work laptop which I will use to install Oracle Virtual Box and XenCenter.
4> I have decided to upgrade the memory on my laptop as I would need at least four VMs running at any given point of time so minimum 8 GB of RAM is a must.
5> A 16 GB USB pen drive.

What I plan to create -
1> Windows AD server. Name of domain will be This server will also act as my DNS server and CA server as well.
2> A cluster of two Netscalers.
3> At least one Citrix XenApp 7.5 Controller, One XenApp server and One Windows 8 VDA.

Execution -
1> Install XenServer 6.5 on my personal LAPTOP.  Install XenServer on the 16GB pendrive as that will leave whole 250 GBs on the local HDD for VMs.
2>  Limit the number of IP addresses to be assigned by the DHCP server by logging in to the SKY router(default user name/password - admin/sky). so that  you can use some of the IPs as static IPs.
I have limited the DHCP assigned range from X.X.0.21 to X.X.0.100. This will allow me to use some initial IPs for important components of my infrastructure.
3> I plan to use the combination of my laptop and virtual box installed linux router to have a "client" VM which will NOT be a part of my "HOME LAN" and I will use that for testing Access Gateway. I will decide and post the details of routing configuration later.

Future -
1> Add another Xenserver.
2> Add an Ubuntu based NFS server.
3> Migrate one of the Netscaler on the new XenServer and configure GSLB.

Good to have
1> SCCM server, Appsense server.
2> Google PAM server.